Book Richard

Richard Tyler
Chief Possibility Architect
Author, International speaker and provocateur. His first book, Jolt, published by Wiley, will hit the bookshelves globally in April 2015.
Video courtesy of Harvey Thorneycroft Ltd and
What does Richard speak on?
Everything that Richard does is designed to transform you from ordinary to extraordinary. His approach is to shake you up, present you with a new lens to look through, place you back down again before jolting you to commit to new action.
You may have realised that it is time for your leaders to upgrade, your culture to evolve and your customer experience to transform – Richard is ready to disrupt your thinking and help you to elevate…
Some of his Keynotes include:
- Dancing with gorillas – how to change your world instead of letting it change you!
- Upgrades are not just for iPhones!
- Embracing your daring adventure…
- Getting wonky when the world around you stays straight!
Who does he speak for?
Anyone that is serious about reaching for extraordinary! Richard works across numerous sectors including: health, finance, law, media, retail, government agencies and pharmaceutical.
However, if you are comfortable and content with being just good, then don’t bother booking him.
Speaker Agents
Richard is represented by numerous agents. Richard takes great care in who he partners with so you can expect a tip top service from all of them. The prices will be consistent wherever you choose to book him. You can find them online and get in touch with them directly if you prefer.
‘A cognitive Jolt to transform your business and your life’
– Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer, Microsoft UK
‘At Innocent, we look to disrupt the norms and lead the way. For this to happen, we have to Jolt!’
– Richard Reed, co-founder, Innocent
‘As the speed of change accelerates, it is essential that bigger companies like BBC Worldwide continually shake up the accepted way of doing things. Jolting our thinking is no longer a luxury, it. Is essential for survival and growth’
– Tim Davie, CEO, BBC Worldwide.
‘Jolt upgrades you from ‘happy, safe and fine’ to ‘extraordinary, fearless and outstanding.’ An exciting, exhilarating, and empowering journey!’
– Elizabeth L Kuhnke, Best – selling author, Conference speaker and Executive Coach
‘There are no limits, it just took a jolt from Tyler to get started!’
– Dr Mark Goldman, Surgeon, Former NHS Chief Executive and Director of the Goldman Partnership.
“Hugely engaging, inspiring and thought provoking. Book this man!”
– Simon Bucknall, The Art of Connection
Richard Tyler, ‘A must for any successful event…’
– Steve Hill, Head of Customer Services & Resident Involvement , Aragon Housing Association
“If your seminar was a West End production I would be booking again. I was hooked from the start, inspired throughout and motivated when I left”
– Maureen Hepworth – Health Trainer Team Manager, Kirklees Council.
How to Book Richard
Pigeon Post
This is seldom successful and can be extremely slow. If you have a massive lead time, this might work…otherwise…
Call him…
You can get hold of Richard directly on +44 845 527 2251
Drop him a note to and explain a little bit about what you need.
If you’re interested in booking Richard for an event, simply include your contact details and a suitable time to get hold of you, and Richard will give you a tinkle back.
- Speaker
Video courtesy of Harvey Thorneycroft Ltd and
What does Richard speak on?
Everything that Richard does is designed to transform you from ordinary to extraordinary. His approach is to shake you up, present you with a new lens to look through, place you back down again before jolting you to commit to new action.
You may have realised that it is time for your leaders to upgrade, your culture to evolve and your customer experience to transform – Richard is ready to disrupt your thinking and help you to elevate…
Some of his Keynotes include:
- Dancing with gorillas – how to change your world instead of letting it change you!
- Upgrades are not just for iPhones!
- Embracing your daring adventure…
- Getting wonky when the world around you stays straight!
Who does he speak for?
Anyone that is serious about reaching for extraordinary! Richard works across numerous sectors including: health, finance, law, media, retail, government agencies and pharmaceutical.
However, if you are comfortable and content with being just good, then don’t bother booking him.
- Speaker Agent
Speaker Agents
Richard is represented by numerous agents. Richard takes great care in who he partners with so you can expect a tip top service from all of them. The prices will be consistent wherever you choose to book him. You can find them online and get in touch with them directly if you prefer.
- Testimonials
‘A cognitive Jolt to transform your business and your life’
– Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer, Microsoft UK‘At Innocent, we look to disrupt the norms and lead the way. For this to happen, we have to Jolt!’
– Richard Reed, co-founder, Innocent‘As the speed of change accelerates, it is essential that bigger companies like BBC Worldwide continually shake up the accepted way of doing things. Jolting our thinking is no longer a luxury, it. Is essential for survival and growth’
– Tim Davie, CEO, BBC Worldwide.‘Jolt upgrades you from ‘happy, safe and fine’ to ‘extraordinary, fearless and outstanding.’ An exciting, exhilarating, and empowering journey!’
– Elizabeth L Kuhnke, Best – selling author, Conference speaker and Executive Coach‘There are no limits, it just took a jolt from Tyler to get started!’
– Dr Mark Goldman, Surgeon, Former NHS Chief Executive and Director of the Goldman Partnership.“Hugely engaging, inspiring and thought provoking. Book this man!”
– Simon Bucknall, The Art of ConnectionRichard Tyler, ‘A must for any successful event…’
– Steve Hill, Head of Customer Services & Resident Involvement , Aragon Housing Association“If your seminar was a West End production I would be booking again. I was hooked from the start, inspired throughout and motivated when I left”
– Maureen Hepworth – Health Trainer Team Manager, Kirklees Council. - How to Book Richard
How to Book Richard
Pigeon Post
This is seldom successful and can be extremely slow. If you have a massive lead time, this might work…otherwise…
Call him…
You can get hold of Richard directly on +44 845 527 2251
Drop him a note to and explain a little bit about what you need.
If you’re interested in booking Richard for an event, simply include your contact details and a suitable time to get hold of you, and Richard will give you a tinkle back.